Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is the most effective way to drop 10 pounds in a month for someone who is at 135, 5 foot 4 inches tall?

The best way to lose weight is to eat healthier foods and do aerobic exercise. Make your own lunch instead of going to a restaurant, and you'll dramatically reduce the fat, oil, and salt you eat. You can still eat many of the same foods you already do - just modify them. For example, instead of putting mayo on your sandwich, try mustard or an olive spread. If you write down *everything* you eat (or take a picture of it with your camera), then you will be better able to keep track of what's going into your body.

To get more exercise, remember that everything you do burns calories. Try walking over to someone's desk instead of emailing or calling them. Park farther away from stores, and walk. Try turning off the TV and going swimming or going for a jog instead. If you have a bike, ride it! If you have kids, challenge them to a race, or play tag/frisbee/anything at the park!

This month's Glamour magazine also has an article on how to lose weight - check that out for more ideas.
Watch what you eat, only eat about 1600 calories a day, and pick an activity that's fun and burns a lot of calories, like swimming or bike riding. and do it every other day. The important thing is to burn more calories than you eat, so exercise and diet is all their is to it, no secret really. But DON'T do a starvation diet, because that slows donw yuor metabolism. To speed up your metabolism don't skip breakfast, and eat a lot of small meals during the day.
dont eat as much and eat more at different times of da day
I think 10 pounds is a little extreme. 135 is not bad. Just eat right and start working out. It is better to try to change your diet and become healthy than to focuse on a number.
you are 135 and under 6 ft tall are you wanting to go in to the hospitable . there is nothing wrong with your size and height . if you are doing this for a boy then find another one he wont be happy with that and will want more . you are healthy DONT RUIN IT BY NOT EATING IT WILL ONLY CAUSE YOU MORE TROUBLE DOWN THE ROAD

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