Sunday, October 25, 2009

What is happening?

this is the second time this happen to me, i feel fine and than all of the sudden i throw up. i just gag though and throw up a little maybe once or so. today i drank lots water ate a burrito and a icecream. the pain in my side are real painful i push on my ribs it feel better. i feel ok if not moving but when i move stomach gets upset. wat wrong?
You should talk to your parents about this.Are you doing any exercising?Maybe running?Its too much in the heat and all.Sounds like you may need to see a doc.
Something could be going wrong inside your tumm. go to the doctor ASAP. =)
Not sure, but it sounds like it may be serious. Call your doctor right away. . .
flu bug
Go to a doctor gurl! If you don't know what's wrong, a doctor most likely will.
u should definitly go to the doctor something is wrong... maybe its like food poisoning, which could be really serious... tell a parent and go to the doctor
go to a doctor
go see a Dr.
u should go c a doc
It could be several things...sounds like you might have a cyst or too much acid in your system..get checked...dont wait...this could be serious...
You might be having an allergic reaction to something or a virus got into your body and this is your body's way of getting it out. As for the pain on your side, it might be from vomiting. I don't know about your area but in Ohio we had an almost epidemic type virus of the stomach flu. This sounds exactly like what you have.
Well, I wouldn't know, I'm not there to ask you questions a poke you here and there. I would go to a doctor, just a regular family doctor and tell her/he your symptoms. And if you are sexually active, I would wonder if you just may be pregnant, If i were you, I would take a test just in case.
You probably get gas from certain food that your body may not agree with. The pushing of the ribs may ease the pain temporarily because the pressure of you pushing on it is displacing the gas. I would suggest eating slightly less.
You really ought to go and talk to a doctor- there may be different reasons for it. It can be anything from irritable stomach, over acid reflux to gall stones. Only a physician can make a diagnosis.
Sounds like you may be having an issue with your gal bladder. I had to have mine out with emergency surgery. The pain eventually got so bad I threw up for 24 hours straight and I got an infection and was running fever of 103 degrees. Don't let it get that bad.
A lot of a water and a little bit of food all day can make you sick. It's happened to me before after only eating a little bit and filling up on water. That could be it but if your throwing up tomorrow I would go to the doctor if I were you.
sounds like you need to see your doctor. sometimes when you have gall bladder problems, they manifest themselves when you eat fatty foods as you described. if you are pushing your ribs near the right side of your stomach and the pain goes away, well lets just say, thats where associated gall bladder pain is. if you feel it particulary after a fatty meal, then you definitly need to see your doctor. a doctor will be better able to tell you.
You ate a burrito and ice cream, and are wondering why you have a pain in your side?? Try eating a little healthier. Keep a log of what you eat, and when you start feeling the pain. It may just be certain kinds of foods that are upsetting you. If it's on your right side, could be your appendix. See if you have a fever. Could also just be your body going through changes, could be getting your period, things like that. Strange things happen to your body when you start getting your period. It will be OK though. If it doesn't go away in a day or two, then go to the doctor.

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